Are You Ready to Finally
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vagal toning exercises, key tips for overcoming serious challenges,
and a starter template for changing core beliefs.
Going through a major life challenge can make you feel like you can’t live at all,
much less live at your highest potential. You feel stuck. Lost. Hopeless. Scared. Exhausted. You just want to find a solution. I was once there myself: bed-bound for years, being taken care of by my parents, and feeling like the world had passed me by. But I discovered something crucial: that going through hell can be a great gift. Used properly, it can be a catalyst that forces you to let go of your fears and limitations and transform yourself, day by day, piece by piece, into who you are meant to be. The wound then becomes the gift you give.
That’s the process of Forging Your Legend. Although this method is rooted in the wisdom of the heart and soul, it’s backed by neuroscience and has been carefully honed through trial and error. It’s how I got well while making myself into the man I always wanted to be, and it’s how you can achieve success as well—whether that be with your health or any other area of your life.
What I can help with:
Chronic Illnesses, Men's Work, and Major Challenges
My experience includes Lyme and Epstein-Barr, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, POTS and dysautonomia, childhood trauma and PTSD, scoliosis and other spinal issues, chronic pain, environmental/mold issues, insomnia and sleep problems, allergies and gut issues, anxiety/panic attacks, dissociation, depression, and other mysterious or chronic illnesses.
I also have a powerful program designed for men who are seeking to claim their most powerful, authentic self. To read about that, go to the Men's Work page, where there is more specific information on that.
My work focuses on:
Retraining the brain and regulating the nervous system with a variety of specific, powerful exercises and tools that harness the brain’s neuroplastic capability
Integrating all parts of yourself into a grounded, whole individual based on your unique blueprint
Identifying and overcoming all blocks and resistances that have prevented you from healing in the past
Rediscovering your spark—your creativity, passion, and alignment with life's divine purpose, and using these as your fuel to get well
Finding the right tools for you—brain retraining, trauma work, vagal toning and functional neurology, finding or rebuilding your purpose, somatic work, hypnosis, comprehensive nutrition, and more create a path that works for you
Read more about Forging Your Legend on the Men's Work and Sessions page, or learn about my personal journey of healing and becoming by going to About FYL/Matthew. To get in touch or to schedule with me, click here.
Also note: you can learn about upcoming classes and past Zoom classes available for purchase here, and you can find helpful videos on YouTube @forgingyourlegend. For recommendations on programs and products, go to the Workshops/Recordings page.

It's time to forge your legend and live the life you were born to live.

"I’m so grateful for Matthew! He has helped me tremendously with the last few layers of trauma that have held me back all my life. After only a few appointments I’m dreaming again, making plans to move on in my life journey.
"Matthew is authentic and such a good listener. I feel I can be myself and loved where I’m at. He gets to the point and the root. Mathew has been an instrumental part of my healing journey.
"I don’t wish suffering on anyone, but I’m glad that Matthew has done the hard to work to pave the way and help people with his experience. None of his suffering was wasted. He is full of integrity and hope, I highly recommend!"​
"I felt I could tell you my deepest secrets. And you continued to show empathy and said over and over and over again, “I believe in you.” I’m not sure you can imagine what that means to someone.
"Your acceptance and support of me was surprising. I haven’t trusted anyone completely. But you never overreacted. I always felt love. It was shocking. You didn’t judge me. You helped my trauma by listening. Not judging. Being there. Letting me text you crazy ass shit and [reassuring me that] you wouldn’t fire me. I could go on!
"Thank you, Matthew, for guiding me with your strength, spirit, and heart. It was definitely one of the most trying times of my life and you were an integral part of my healing journey. I feel such gratitude for having met you."
"Matthew is extremely knowledgeable about limbic system disorders and how to recover from them using neuroplasticity techniques. Learning about his recovery story, how he persevered and practiced everyday to overcome his symptoms, was an inspiration to me and gave me hope. Matthew was able to give me insight into my own healing practice and made tweaks that he felt were important. I have been adding in his recommendations and so far they have been beneficial. I appreciate Matthew’s vast knowledge about the brain and nervous system and his encouragement that I can fully heal.”
"Since day one I felt connected with Matthew. He is so empathetic and has a great intuition. I love the way he gives such structured advice. The way he works is very down-to-earth and accessible, as if you were talking to a warmhearted friend who understands what you are going through. I felt less alone in my journey with his help. I really recommend him—such a gem in a sea of neuroplasticity and life coaches."
“I have come so far since meeting Matthew that I can’t really even describe how different my life is. He has helped me overcome depression, PTSD, dissociation, insomnia, and chronic shame around being human and expressing my desires. I feel more integrated and whole than I ever have before, and I am happily pursuing my legend in my own way. He’s amazing and I can’t recommend him enough.”
"Working with Matthew has been the most important part of my healing process. I’ve learned what relaxation feels like for the first time in my life, and I’ve learned to build trust in myself and trust my decisions. He has taught me and helped me through so much that it’s really hard to put into words. He is spot-on with what I need to be working on and he helps me to understand new concepts and how to be the best person I can be.
"Matthew truly has a very special gift. Every time I talk with him, I have an 'ah ha!' moment. Words truly cannot express what a life changing coach he is."
“Matthew has helped me reconnect with my true self, the man I’ve always been. Someone I thought was lost. His straightforward and grounded approach helped cut through the noise and get to the heart of things.”